
Articles Posted in SUV Rollovers


Prevent West Palm Beach Motor Vehicle Crashes by Not Texting or Talking on the Cell Phone

Last week, our West Palm Beach personal injury law firm reported that the National Transportation Safety Board is calling for all states to ban texting and cell phone calls while driving. We also wrote about the upcoming debate among Florida lawmakers regarding whether or not to ban texting in the…


As NTSB Recommends Full Cell Phone While Driving Ban, Florida Again Considers Whether to Make Texting Illegal

In the upcoming legislative session due to start next month, Florida legislators will once again consider whether texting should be banned in the state. Right now, Florida is one of 15 US states that haven’t made texting while driving illegal. Florida is also among the few states without any type…


Decline in Florida Motor Vehicle Crashes Reported

According to the state’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there has been a 4.6% drop in the number of Florida traffic deaths. Compared to 2009, when there were Florida 2,565 motor vehicle fatalities, there were 2,444 Florida traffic deaths reported in 2010. That’s a nearly 31% drop since…


Preventing Palm Beach Car Accidents: Dangers of Distracted Emphasized During Simulated Display

It is no longer a secret that texting and surfing the Internet while driving can be dangerous. Yet people continue to get hurt and die because someone was looking at the phone, checking email, sending texts, or surfing the Web rather than paying attention to the road. As our Palm…


Drowsy Driving: Drivers who Fall Asleep Behind the Wheel Causes 1,550 US Traffic Crash Deaths and 71,000 Injuries a Year

November 8-14, 2010 marks Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. According to the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety, 41% of drivers surveyed have admitted to drowsy driving. Unfortunately, what many people fail to realize is that driving while tired is similar to driving while under the influence of alcohol. Impaired…


2,558 Florida Traffic Deaths in 2009, Says NHTSA

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2,558 people were killed in Florida traffic accidents last year. Alcohol was a factor in 770 of the fatalities. On one hand, these latest figures show positive progress. In 2008, NHTSA reported 2,980 Florida traffic fatalities-887 involving an alcohol-impaired driver. The number…


Five People Killed in West Palm Beach After Tire Blowout Causes SUV Rollover

In West Palm Beach, Florida, five people died on the Florida Turnpike on Friday night when the sport utility vehicle they were riding in rolled over after it blew a tire. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the driver lost control of the Ford Expedition and rolled into a 15-foot…

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