
Impact of South Florida Medical Malpractice on Patient Families & How They May Be Compensated

As West Palm Beach medical malpractice attorneys, we fully recognize the firsthand devastating impacts of negligence by medical providers on both patients and families. Beyond the physical harm suffered by the patient, entire families suffer as well.

Because we understand the profound impact these ordeals can have on both patients and their loved ones, we can help them navigate the challenges of pursuing compensation through civil litigation. There are even some types of monetary damages in medical malpractice injury cases reserved specifically for family members.

In the case of medical malpractice-related deaths, certain family members may be entitled to collect wrongful death damages.

Impact of Medical Malpractice on Patient Families

Medical malpractice in South Florida can have far-reaching consequences, profoundly affecting the emotional, financial and physical well-being of patients AND their families.

Among those impacts:

  • Emotional distress. Families often experience intense emotional distress in the form of anxiety, depression and grief, particularly if it results in permanent injury or death.
  • Relationship strain. The stress and pressure of dealing with a loved one’s injuries can strain marital and family relationships, sometimes leading to conflict or even separation.
  • Loss of life enjoyment. Family members of patients harmed by medical malpractice may suffer loss of companionship, affection and enjoyment of life due to the altered condition of the patient.
  • Financial impacts. People don’t live in a financial bubble. If a patient is harmed no longer able to work or contribute financially to their household– the whole family is going to feel that, to varying degrees. Same goes for astronomical medical expenses, ongoing trips for medical appointments, and modification of their home due to home care needs.
  • Caregiving responsibilities. Family members often take on caregiving roles, which can be physically demanding and exhausting, particularly if their loved one requires constant attention and assistance.
  • Disruption of daily routines. The whole family rhythm gets upended when a family member suffers a medical malpractice injury.

Compensation for Families of Medical Malpractice Injuries

If your loved one has been injured, sickened or killed as a result of medical malpractice, civil litigation can provide some much-needed financial relief.

In medical malpractice injury cases, it’s the plaintiff who receives compensatory damages for things like medical expenses and lost wages. (Sometimes these are paid to survivors in wrongful death cases.) But beyond that, there are other ways family members may be compensated in medical malpractice cases.

One of those is compensation for caregivers. Caregiving is recognized as a financial sacrifice, particularly if they have to quit work or give up opportunities in order to take care of caregiving responsibilities. Loved ones who are caregivers may be entitled to some measure of compensation as part of the medical malpractice case. A West Palm Beach medical malpractice attorney can help you make this case by justifying and quantifying the value of these services, which should be covered by those whose negligence caused the harm in the first place.

Another form of compensation specifically set aside for family members is loss of consortium. It refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship due to the negligence of the tortfeasor/defendant. Most often, loss of consortium claims are filed by the patient’s spouse, but they can also be filed by minor children, dependents or parents of minors.

There may be other forms of compensation as well for family members, depending on the circumstances. Civil litigation can help provide financial support to cope with the very real challenges that result from medical malpractice. We can help.

Contact the South Florida personal injury attorneys at Halberg & Fogg PLLC by calling toll-free at 1-877-425-2374. Serving West Palm Beach, Miami, Tampa, Orlando and Fort Myers/ Naples. There is no fee unless you win.

Additional Resources:

Medical Malpractice Statistics of 2024, By Christy Bieber, J.D.,

More Blog Entries:

Palm Beach Injury Lawyer Talks the Toughest Part of Proving Medical Malpractice, June 24, 2024, West Palm Beach Medical Malpractice Lawyer Blog

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