
South Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Watch for Dangerous Product Recalls This Gift-Giving Season

Whether your holiday gift exchanges this year are in-person or virtual, one thing that hasn’t changed is the potential for dangerous products to be marketed and sold to consumers. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has reported dozens of product recalls in recent weeks, some of which include: InvoSpa heated blankets,…


South Florida Injury Lawyer: Don’t Drive Drunk on Thanksgiving

Holidays are often cause for gathering, good food – and spirits. Although we typically think of New Year’s Eve as the most boozy, it’s Thanksgiving weekend that has the worst track record for drunk driving crashes and deaths. More than 800 people died on U.S. roads over the Thanksgiving holiday…


Boy Scouts’ Sex Abuse Victims Seek Justice As Bankruptcy Deadline Looms

It’s one of the largest child sexual abuse scandals in U.S. history, yet for years, victims were made to feel as if they were the only one. As the deadline looms for filing civil liability claims of sexual assault and abuse against Boy Scouts of America, systemic problems within the…


Florida Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine in Car Accident Cases

If you’re thinking of allowing someone to borrow your car, you may want to think twice. Florida’s longstanding dangerous instrumentality doctrine allows vehicle owners to be held vicariously liable for the negligent actions of those permitted to operate their vehicle. It can even apply to Florida vehicle owners when crashes…


Deadline for Filing Child Sex Abuse Civil Claims Weighed by Florida Supreme Court

Certain Florida child sexual abuse civil claims will have a much shorter statute of limitations than some appellate courts had previously ruled due to a new decision by the Florida Supreme Court. The case involved a conflict among lower Florida courts about the accrual of civil claims for sexual abuse.…


Lower Risk of Florida Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect is Aim of New Law

A new state law, signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis in June, calls for the state attorneys of every circuit to create elder abuse death review teams, with the goal of identifying systemic problems and reducing the risk of Florida nursing home abuse and neglect. These teams, comprised of not only…


Florida Distracted Driving Awareness Critical to Driving Down Crash Rate

Driving while impaired carries a definite stigma. But driving distracted often still does not – even though we know it kills hundreds of people in Florida every year. October is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, an effort that aims to change that. Drivers who are distracted are a threat not…


Another “Hot Coffee” Case? Florida Injury Lawyer Explains What Many Misunderstand

A man recently filed a personal injury lawsuit against Starbucks in California after claiming scalding hot tea seriously injured and disfigured his stomach, hands and genitals. Almost without fail, our South Florida injury lawyers know there will be those who scoff. “Another ‘hot coffee’ lawsuit? Whose fault is it really…


What Exactly Are Pain and Suffering Damages in Florida Injury Lawsuits?

The phrase “pain and suffering” is familiar to many people even outside the legal sphere, but it’s not as well understood. It does not mean anyone is entitled to money just because they were hurt. It also not a catch-all for every loss. As it pertains to Florida injury lawsuits,…


West Palm Beach Injury Lawyers Talk Top 4 Florida Injury Lawsuit Myths

People are hurt every day in Florida in all different kinds of accidents. For example, there are nearly 700 people are injured in Florida car crashes every day. An average of 1.2 boating accident injuries occur in Florida daily. Nationally, there are approximately 30 million injuries every year due to…

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