
Articles Posted in Palm Beach medical malpractice


Missed Diagnosis a Common Florida Medical Malpractice Claim

As a West Palm Beach medical malpractice lawyer, I recognize that it’s so many of these cases are predicated on what doctors did NOT do, as opposed to what they actually did. In a recent Florida medical malpractice case out of the First Judicial Circuit, a jury awarded $1.7 million…


Are Injuries Received in Physical Therapy Medical Malpractice?

Physical therapy is a form of medical treatment that helps injured or ill people of all ages and ability to improve movement and manage pain. These treatments are beneficial in preventing future injuries, rehabilitating someone who has already been injured, or treating patients with chronic conditions or illnesses. But what…


South Florida Medical Malpractice Claims for “Never Events” Can Yield High Damage Awards

Any health care provider will tell you that with every procedure, treatment, or medication, there may be a modicum of risk. Poor medical outcomes aren’t always the basis for a South Florida medical malpractice lawsuit. However, grounds for such claims may be strong when the incident in question involves a…


$2.6M Florida Medical Malpractice Verdict for Failure to Hospitalize Sooner

Delay in timely treatment and/or diagnosis that results in patient harm can be legal grounds to pursue a Florida medical malpractice claim against a healthcare provider. As our Palm Beach medical malpractice attorneys can explain, building cases like these requires using expert witness testimony to establish that the defendant health…

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